Niko & Viki get married
Saturday 23rd June 2007 - Gardelaki, Vathy Ithaca Greece
It was 7.10pm, yet the 40C degree heat had not dissipated. Not a breeze to disperse the dry, dense heat of the day. Gardelaki church in the hills of Vathy, surrounded by high and usually shady pines, radiated a blistering heat on this June day, this happy day, where the Karantzis and Softis families and the many, many friends and relatives, gathered to celebrate Niko and vikis' wedding day. Many were there early to await the arrival of the groom and then the bride.
This wedding had been planned down to the last detail, yet it appeared spontaneous and relaxed and subsequently alot of fun. That takes some talent to organize. It's not surprising, both Niko and Viki have a happy lust for life and their eagerness for this to be a stress free day for all, was contagious. This wedding was enjoyable and fun from the get-go, and the heatwave conditions, lightened under this happy event.
At 7.20pm, the echo of the car horns sounded out in the distance as Niko and his entourage drove through the streets of Vathy below Gardelaki, heralding their imminent arrival. It gave the invited guests a little itch, knowing that soon they would be able to see the groom before them.
  ... and then the wait is over  
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