Marida Fish Festival

Saturday 15th October 2005


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The Marida Fish Festival was cancelled so many times due to rain, that todays'  attempt  was publicised as almost an afterthought, but there couldn't have been a better weather day for this loved October festival. The day was fine, sunny and mild, with the water as inviting as the Summer  sea.  A church service in the ruin church at Polis Bay started the proceedings, while the Cantina fried up the thousands of Marida for the expected crowd. The Stavros community all chip in to make this a worthwhile event for the Northern Island of Ithaca.

The Bar at the Cantina was stacked with plates, piled high with marida, fished from around the bays of Ithaki.  This particular fish is a loved delicacy of Ithacans, and starts the fishing season for the island. The food is free, but a donation is always welcomed by the community.

Marida Fish Festival

Polis Bay, Stavros

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