Kioni Panghiri for Ag. Elias - Summer Festival - Friday 20th July 2018

I didn't know what to expect from this year's Kioni Panighiri because as we were driving toward Kioni there seemed to be an exodus FROM Kioni. Whilst in Stavros there was no wind, it was quite windy along between Frikes and Kioni so I thought maybe that was the reason people were leaving. It wasn't of course, Kioni was pleasant and sheltered. There was alot of KEFI (Good Cheer) especially around the dance cirlce, it was a mystery to me why people were leaving.

For those who stayed, they had an amazing time. Lots of fun and laughter. Lots of young people, some of whom experienced the Panighiri for the very first time. It was very crowded around the dance circle and the immediate areas around it, but across the bay, there was little activity. As you'll see in the photographs however, if you weren't there, you missed out of a great and colourful evening where people lifted the spirits of this bayside village to a higher level.      Real Estate