From Ithaca to the north of Greece and back via Athens - Athens
Ithaca Greece ..
October is a great time to be in Athens. It's not too hot, not too polluted and not so rushed. Athens for most Ithacans means shopping. To tell the truth it can be a little overwhelming to see all that product, all those choices in front of you after living on Ithaca for an extended period of time. You quickly become accustomed to the little choice available on the island and being let loose in Athens is like a child walking into a candy shop.
Athens in Autumn
After a full day of shopping and dealing with Athens traffic there's not much energy for nightlife, but pizza? always.
People watching in Athens can be as entertaining as shopping, especially when equipped with a camera. The best place for this is of course Monastiraki and the Plaka area. The flea market too, can be an entertaining way to spend a Sunday afternoon. If you have the energy to sift through the mountains of junk, you're sure to come out with something worthwhile.