Visitors to Ithaca Letters. 2009
Visitors Letters 2009
We welcome your letters. Write us with your Ithacan experience.
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We Wish you a very Healthy, Happy and Prosperous 2009 Sue and MIke


Happy New year Ithaki. All the best of everything to everyone. I love you!!!!! Cathy


Dear Erika, we wish you a very happy New Year. Good health and great success. Peter and Veronica Black


Dear Erica, We wish you and Dimitri a very HAPPY, HEALTHY, PEACEFUL ANN SUCCESSFUL 2009 Emily Kioni Suites


Thank you for the great work you do on the site. We can't live without it during the black days here in the UK. Happy New Year. Michael and Sally


We would like to wish you and all our friends on Ithaca a very happy, peaceful and prosperous new year. Pat, Terry and Cameron


Hallo, Alles wird besser im Jahr 2009 . Alles alles Gute!!!! Viele Grüße aus München Christa


Hello, I know this probably is not the right place, but, you may be able to help me. I have been trying to track down an old friend, Denis (Danny) Razos who came from Ithaca many years ago, married a girl from Cypress and moved to and lived in New Zealand, had 3 children, then moved onto Australia. He will still have family on Ithaca, apparently they ran a construction company? and Denis (Danny) owned shares in a shipping line. We lost touch in the 1980's when I moved from Wellington. I wonder, if possible you could check the phone book etc. I can't do that from NZ. I'm sorry if this is any trouble, but thanks for reading this anyway. Kindest regards. June Ranyard (Revell)


I have been searching through the pages of the Ithacan locals on the website and have come across a woman living in Ag Sarantos, named Irini, who looks very similar to my grandfather, Peter Dracatos, who I have mentioned in a previous email.  I was wondering if anyone knows Irini's sirname, (and perhaps her maiden name) and who her mother and father were?  I am researching this for my mum, who is travelling to Ithaca to search for her cousins, in September this year.  Her maiden name is Dracatos, and her Dad, Peter, lived in Ithaca as a child between around 1910 and 1920. would love if anyone would have any information for us to make Mum's day! Regards, Liz Branson, Muckleford Victoria Australia.


Hi Erika Just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed over the last few days.  I always look forward to the Easter pictures, and they were stunning as ever this year.  It's uncanny how you manage to capture the vibe, not just the visuals.  Thank you. It's also great seeing faces I know and recognise - Dimitri, Ester, Rien, Dinitri's father, Vicki and Nkos, the lovely Poppy, her 2 darling daughters and Nektarious ( sorry if I haven't spelt that correctly ) - and even the web mistress herself this year, looking very cool in that fab skirt ! So a very Happy Easter to you all, even if I'm a little late ! Thanks again. xx Lesa Carnegie UK


Erica, as always a great website. My mom, Emily Prosalenty arrived yesterday and is having a great time. She will be there till August maybe you will run into her. As always love & kisses  A Happy Easter..and good summer Georgia Prosalenty Vasilakopoulos


Hi Erica and Dimitri,
We hope youa are both well. We are going to Portugal for Easter this year but hope to make a trip to Ithaca later in the year. We love to keep up to date with what's going on on Ithaca via your website the photos are really good, we log on most days to see what's new and what the weather is doing. Keep up the good work. Have a Happy Easter and we look forward to seeing you later in the year. Best wishes Pam and Doug UK


Hi Erika, One of my great nieces is travelling overseas soon and intends to make Kioni one of her destinations. Since Joanna Moraitis has passed away I have lost my ‘English' speaking contact with Panayiota Moraitis, my auntie. Are you able to tell me if Panayiota's son, Illias is in the village or is he still at sea?  I tried to make contact through Jenny at Spavento when his baby was due but I had no reply. If he has an email address I would appreciate if my letter could be passed onto him or if he agrees, his address forwarded to me. Hoping you can help me. Kindest regards, Jill S utcliffe (nee Moraitis)


Dear Erika I am reading your Ithaca Greek pages with excitement all around the year as we are frequent visitors to Ithaca since more than 10 years. Next week all our international family with members from Finland, Norway, Chile and Trinidad Tobago will spend the week in Vathi celebrating my husband's 60 years anniversary on May 26 th . With us will be our three grown up children, their spouses and children. The tradition coming to Ithaca started in 1997 and in 1999 we celebrated my 50 years anniversary with champagne having first climbed to the top of the mountain. My husband has spent 3-4 weeks on Ithaca in May 2006-2008 writing a scientific text book, which is now completed and published. He is a professor in tribology from Helsinki. My suggestion is that you join us for getting some photos to your excellent News on Ithaca column if you have your ways around. We will be accommodated at Captain Yannis in Vathy May 23-30. You can reach me at +358 500 44 85 89. We are also continuously looking for a house in Ithaca and as you seem to be the one responsible for most of the real estate business I would be interested in a  contact with you regarding that issue too. We are looking for a house with sea view not too far from Vathi. Any suggestions for something worthwhile to take a look at while there? Best regards Andrea Holmberg


Dear Erica, Frikes Locals & Stavros Locals, I am very happy to here The Fiorendino gang started to find a solution in case of the dangerous situation at Frikes harbour Mountan site Petitition for New Pier. In my opinion the best solution is to move the floting Quay to South site Polisbay,oposit the stone mollow.(there is already a small concrete mollow). In Frikes, a litle more seeway a concrete construction what you can fill up with all the rock/stones they collect by making the new road Frikes>Marmaka. Than you collect from every yacht a fee of  5,00 Euro á night and you be surprised how quickly the whole work is payed.
I am sure the whole bussines in Frikes and Stavros get a long therme injection with this solution! I wish you all good luck and see you in Summer. With kind regards, Nico Voorzaat, Lefki the Dutchmann!


Hi Erika - Papoulaki gave my grandfather his diary of notes, his walking stick and some other stuff, which we've still got in the family. Mum tells me that sometime in the early 20 th century he wrote in his diary that ‘One Day The Whole World Will be Joined By A Wire' Welcome Internet. Papoulaki knew what he was talking about. (apparently no-one understood what he meant by this statement at the time and no doubt he suffered some small-minded ridicule) Regards George Florence


Dear Sir/Madam, Because of our holidays in Ithaki this year, I searched the web and found the site ‘'. It's a very nice site and when we came home last Monday after a week at the beautiful island, I looked at it again. It was surprising when I saw a photo of my wife in the May version of ‘ What's New on Ithaca' at the Aetos beach. I was snorkeling at the time the photo was made and it really was like the comment whit it. ( Saturday 23rd - If the pics below don't make you want to strip down and jump into the blue Ionian, nothing will. At Aetos beach, the colour of the sea is more than an invitation, but a magnet.) We had a very nice time in Ithaki and we hope to come back sometime. We wonder if it is possible to get the photo in the original format. We will be very pleased if it is. We will be putting it in our photo album with all the others to remember this very nice period. When I don't mistake I think I saw a photo of our hostess of Ross Holidays, Olga Buijsman in the ‘ What's New on Ithaca' to. (see the attached jpg.file) At the end I want to thank you in advance and give you our compliments for making the ‘ What's New on Ithaca' We will look at it regularly to keep our beautiful memories alive. With regards, Leo Vogel, Hardinxveld-Giessendam. The Netherlands


I have written a play about Ithaca's magic and it is being performed in Exeter next month. I need some music! It is about two people. He loves Greece but at the beginning she finds it difficult to adjust. It is about her journey into loving Ithaca and he has to leave the island and she stays to wait for him to return taking the place of an old Greek woman who is waiting for her long lost husband for 20 years. Any enigmatic music would be an integral part of the play. Best wishes, Jane Tipping, Devon, UK.


Hi Erica, Gordon and Kath here ... we met you at your daughters bar in Frikes in early July 2007. You took our photos and uploaded them on the site . Im glad the site continuies ... i look at everyday in the not so sunny Leeds, England. we are on your beautiful island again this year, for our third summer holiday, staying in Moriatis House Kioni between 27 June and 11 July. It would be great to see you if we can kind regards Gordon Tasker and Kath Doyle


Hello Erica We have not really met, though I think Sue & Mike did briefly introduce us once a year or two back.  We are Kioni addicts, and have been visiting now for several years. We decided to visit in September this year instead of our usual early July, but it is very hard waiting!  I look at the web site regularly and long to be back there; the photographs are wonderful, including the winter and Easter ones. I have just seen the note remarking on the negative response of some people to the site. Please know that many more people love it and it keeps us going when the English weather (& politics) gets us down.  Maybe in September we may get to met you properly and say thank you for feeding our addiction to all things Ithakian & especially Kioni. Sandra and Doug


Thanks for the amazing photographs of our beloved Ithaca on your site. I love visiting the site at least once a week.Following the activities there feels like I am part of it. We try to come to Ithaca every 2 years so hopefully we are going to be there next year. Cogratulations once again on the photos and bringing  news of Ithaca to all of us . Kiki Diakoyannis South Africa


Hi Erika - interesting video about the Greek Porn Weather channel. The Prostituti o n i lisation of women seems to be a world wide phenomenon attached to certain agendas. Where is the ‘ Feminist Movement ' when you need them? g


As usual congratulations on the web site, I really enjoy keeping up to date with what is going on and wishing I was there, particularly as in the UK the weather has now turned cold.  I just had a query regarding a recent photograph of the Ag. Ioannis hideaway beach on What's New 16/09/09. Where is this beach in relation to the main beach, can it be reached only by boat. I was led to believe that there was more than 1 beach at Ag. Ioannis but have not managed to find out where they are and/or how to get to them. I shall be returning to Ithaca next year and would like to explore more of the Island . Many thanks for your assistance in this matter. I look forward to hearing from you Kind regards Kerry Seward


Hi Erika, It's been a long time since I've dropped you a line about your web-site, but I still take a weekly look to feed our Ithaca addiction. I cannot believe that we'll be visiting for the sixth time this year and still haven't managed either to spot you with your camera or meet you. Now, I KNOW, that you're not a travel agent, and I've seen your responses to other people, so I feel as if I'm taking the piss a little here, but bear with me. This year instead of flying into Kephalonia, we plan on travelling from Athens. From your website I've got the info about the bus/ferry from Athens and we plan to do this on the way to Ithaca. Is there any chance that you can let me know if we can do the same on the way back? If we leave on the afternoon ferry can we then join a bus straight through to Athens? If so, how/where do we purchase a ticket for that? Fingers and toes crossed that you can help. Best wishes, Annie


I live in Portland, Oregon USA and like to go to your website to see if there is anything new about Ithaca.  I've never been there but my son's father was from there and someday will come and visit.  We did go to Athens but it wasn't a pleasure trip and it was in the beginning of August.  Very hot!  We like the cooler weather and even the rain.  Some Greeks here say that Ithaca is about the same weather as Portland.  We do get quite a bit of rain but I like that and the smell of everything clean and fresh and its green here.  When is a good season to visit Ithaca and is there any special holiday celebrations around that time?  We don't like a lot of tourists even though we will kinda be one too.  Mainly we are coming to Ithaca to meet some relatives. Thank you again for your website.  I want to learn all I can about Ithaca. Take Care, Shawndell Grivas Albright

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