Letters to Ithaca Greece from people that have visited this Greek Island in the Ionian.
Visitors Letters 2004
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Just want to thank you for this wonderful site. i have lifed in ithaka for many years .and when i see your side i get homesick again .i will visite this side again and again to see if you put new pictures .because the most of them i use to now .like artemisia and nina ,politimi ,riga ,pano and more from there. please give my regards to zaharati and nikos .they will remember me i think. soory but my english is very poor and i hope you understand what i wrote. Many love and kiss from a homeseick anita from holland and I still miss them all after all this years. .
Anita, Holland

Congratulations on a wonderfull and informative website. I wish you continued success
Bill Liaskas

Gus Magrippis New Jersy USA

Hello to every one in Kioni. This is Terry and Olive Whitehead from Dover in England. What a wonderful piece of work the website is. and we get loads of pleasure keeping tabs on you all in the village. Well we will be coming for our third visit to see you all around the last week in June so we are counting the days of our calendar. Our tall good looking blonde haired daughter is pestering us to bring her out, but I think it must be the dark haired taxi driver who took us to poliphemus in stavros that is attracting her. Good health and good luck to you all.
Terry and Olive Whitehead Uk

Through your website I get to keep up with all the news of Ithaki. I have made many visits to the island and over the years have also made many good friends. An illness keeps me from coming this year, but with all the great photos and news of Ithaki, I can still visit through the internet and enjoy the things I love and miss.  Thank you.
Kathy P. Boston

Hi, I've been surfing your site for several weeks now. It must be the best site on the internet. Great Fun. My wife and I have been visiting Ithaca every 2 or 3 years for a while now and we know many of the people featured in the site, particularly Yianni the taxi driver and Dorothy his wife who cooks the wonderful food in Stavros. They look after us when we are on the Island.  We stay in Exoghi and looking at the number of views from there on the site so do you I think? Anyway we are returning just for a week this summer and are already there in mind and spirit. Love to all.
Mal Hawkins

Hello to everyone on Ithaca. Now that winter is imminent in Australia, we look forward to summer via your site. We're addicted. Could you please put more Vathy faces and pictures on? Although we usually camp at Filliatro beach outside the town, we spend alot of time in the towns square enjoying the company of new friends and of course some cold Mythos. Keep up the good work. Caroline and Pete, Adelaide Australia

Hi, I've actually been to Ithaca too and after reading your letters, I thought it was about time you had another opinion on the place. I was actually bored out of my witts! The beaches have no sand, most of the people are rude and old and there is no such thing as service at any of the restaurants that I ate at. None! It's not a place to go if you are on your own and young, at least that's what I found. Bloody expensive too. You probably won't put this into your letters section. ... . ..... ... . Ron Douglas. Editors note: Not everyone likes everything, so an unfavorable opinion on Ithaca does not determine whether it's included in the letters or not. On home Ithaca Greece, if you want it added, we will add it, good or bad.

I'm happy to see that your summer lodown includes 2003. It's good to know we can revisit our holiday any time. Keep up the good work, I look forward to coming again next year. yia soo!! .. Shauna, Perth Australia.

Hello, my name is Sally. I've written to you before asking you about scuba diving on Ithaca. Anyway, I broke both my legs in quite a few places and now I can't come because I have a few surgeries ahead of me and some painful rehabilitation. I was hoping to meet my good friend Rita there, she'll be staying in Vathy from August 10 - 23rd, camping at one of the beaches, I think it's Sarakinico beach? before she continues on through Europe and then Asia. Could you take a photo of her (she has mousy blonde hair and her surname is Harper) Could you put her in the Summer Lowdown so I can see what I'm missing out on? I have never been to Ithaca before, but I have been travelling through your website. I guess it will have to do for now. Thank you so much. .. Sally, Christ Church NZ

Dear friends, I have just come across your marvellous site on Ithaca. It is superbly designed and full of valuable information. I wonder if you would consider adding an item that would make your site even moe comprehensive. It refers to a book with full details about both Ithaki and Kefallinia.

What a fascinating site. The locals pages are my favorite, but I can't go past the winter and summer pages either. A great way to learn about your island and the community. Good work. My family origninate from Kerkyra which I hope to visit in the future and I have some distant connection with Ithaca also. Your site has started me on a journey to learn about my family roots.


Peter (Petros), Brisbane Australia

Congratulations on a great site. I will ejoy surfing through it at my leisure. My parents are from Ithaca, mother from Vathy and father from Kioni - I have visited several times, and hope to visit again in the future Aphrodite (nee Ventouras - mother Artelaris), Australia

To the editor/creator
Firstly let me compliment you on your fantastic site. It is so interesting and well put together! I have spent a couple of hours going through everything and reminiscing. My name is Kevin Fitzgerald and I am the brother of Patrick Fitzgerald who owns a house in Frikes. I live in Cape Town, South Africa and after visiting Ithaca last year I have not been able to forget it.
Regards Kevin, Cape Town SA

When everything turns upside down I turn to your site. It reminds me of great times and great people, great food and lots of local wine. My husband and I travel 2 to 3 times a year, but we can not remember a place we've been where we have made as many friends as we did on our stay on Ithaki. Although everything looked and sounded different, the feeling we got was of home. ... . Carol and David, UK

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